Give Directly (GD)
Give Directly (GD)
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Donors have delivered over 500 million dollars to people in need.

Since 2009, we’ve delivered $500M+ in cash directly into the hands of over 1 million families living in poverty. We currently have operations in Kenya, Rwanda, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Mozambique, Togo, DRC, Uganda, and the United States.

And no, people don’t just blow it on booze.

It’s ok. Many people think that at first.

In fact, research finds people use cash in impactful and creative ways.

We read the research. We read more research. Then we did our own research. And it turns out, people use cash on medicine; cows and goats and chickens; school fees; water; solar lights; tin roofs; irrigation; motorcycles to jumpstart taxi services; businesses to generate income; and more.

If you think about it, doesn’t giving directly make sense?

Cash allows individuals to invest in what they need, instead of relying on aid organizations and donors thousands of miles away to choose for them. Isn’t this what you would prefer?

Our funders and partners think so.

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