This study has been approved by Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST), Mildmay Uganda Research & Ethics Committee (MUREC), and Cornell University IRB.
Participant rights:
If you ever had any questions about your rights as a survey participant, or if you were dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of the survey, you could contact the Principal Investigators.
Questions concerning the research: |
Ian Kusimakwe International Growth, Research and Evaluation Center (IGREC) Plot 4783, Ntinda -Kyambogo Rd. Ntinda, Kampala Tel: +256 771 663 737 |
Tess Lallemant Cornell University Email: Whatsapp: +1 (857) 272-2052 |
Questions or concerns about your rights as a participant: |
Mildmay Uganda Research Ethics Committee Ms. Jane Frank Nalubega. Kiddukiro House Kampala Tel: +256 392 174 236 |
Uganda National Council for Science and Technology Kampala Tel: +256 414 705 513 Website: |
If you have any questions about the purpose of the study, or its procedures, risks, or benefits please contact the Principal Investigators.