Pepal Uganda
Pepal Uganda
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Our Vision
Pepal's vision is a world in which inspired leaders from business, NGOs, and government work together to solve big social issues.

We believe we will only find long term solutions to some of the most pressing and challenging issues if the public, private, and charity sectors work together towards a common purpose. We need leaders, in all sectors, who can think innovatively, work collaboratively, and provide vision.

Pepal develops leaders who drive social change.
Pepal was created in 2009 to bring together staff from NGOs, global corporations, and governments to learn from each other, empower leaders at every level, and co-create solutions to social issues. Our innovative programmes create immediate and scalable solutions and develop leaders who are capable of driving change both in their communities, and throughout their future global careers.


What We Do
Our goal is to be transformational, for leaders, for organisations, and for society.
Pepal’s approach, which places cross sectoral collaboration and leadership at its heart, is ever more important in driving scalable, innovative and cost-effective solutions to complex issues at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As the global business community moves from ‘corporate social responsibility’ to ‘business as a force for good’ as a key part of their offering, Pepal can provide tailored and relevant purpose driven solutions to help facilitate this shift.

Our immersive leadership training, delivered by world-class faculty, is designed to develop the mindsets and behaviours leaders need for the 21st century: agility; emotional intelligence; authenticity and the ability to collaborate and innovate to co-create solutions that ignite purpose and motivation.

These mindsets and behaviours are important for corporate participants, government colleagues and NGO staff across the world. We aim to develop a critical mass of leaders within NGOs and governments who have the mindsets and key skills that will enable them to develop and take forward innovative scaleable solutions that achieve social impact.

We create agents of change across global corporations, NGOs and governments - who can make business as a force for good a reality.

With teams on the ground in Africa and Asia and an understanding of both the corporate and NGO sectors, we are able to ensure the best fit between our diverse partners for long term impact and sustainability.

Company Information
Contact Name: Pepal Uganda
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