Destiny International Business Institute
Destiny International Business Institute

Destiny International Business Institute (DIBI) is a private academic institution established and incorporated in 2014 to exploit the opportunities that existed in the education sector - to bridge the gap between theory (what is taught) and practice (what is done). Destiny International Business Institute developed from Kase Training Services Limited (KTSL), a professional accountancy training college established in 2010 to train professional courses accredited by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU).

The Destiny business idea is part of the shareholder’s strategy of diversification and innovative practices.

Destiny International Business Institute operates hand in hand with all the legal authorities in the line of Education including; National Council of Higher Education (NCHE),BTVET, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) and also supports the programmes of the Ministry of Education including Skilling Uganda.

  • Vision
    To be a world class  practical business training business institute.

  • Mission

    To develop individual skills which promote fast growing business innovations and invetions.

  • Core Values

    • Quality of business/Excellence 
      Innovativeness and professionalism in all our business operations thus consistently offer high quality services to our target markets

    • Values of Staff 
      Create a conducive environment for work,train our staff,motivate them and retain hardworking staff

    • Customer Focus 
      Understand our customers' needs to value their money

    • Team Work 
      United we stand divided we fall which requires a shared vision and passion

        • ntegrity:
          Practice honesty and transparency in executing duties.

        • Corporate Social Responsibility:
          Ensure protection of the environment and adopt acceptable practices when dealing with health,safety and social issues.

      The main aim of the institute is to provide students with excellent training in business skills capable of preparing and giving them a competitive edge in the local and global job market. In general the company will pursue the following concerns:

      •  To impart knowledge and skills that will enhance business growth.
      •  To develop human resource capacity that can handle business challenges.
      •  To build and develop a positive attitude of students towards business.
      •  Maximize shareholders’ wealth.

Company Information
Contact Name: Destiny International Business Institute
Contact Email: principal
Contact Phone: +256 414-663 674, +256 701-206 331 +256 786-166 669
Contact Fax:
Since : 01-01-2014
Company Size:
Address1: Bakuli- Mengo, (Bonanza Building), next to Victorious Primary School, Kampala, Uganda