Jolems Products
Jolems Products
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Jolems store located at Justine Arcade Kikuubo Shop No. L25 is managed by Jolems Investments Limited a manufacturing company for oral and food products.

About Us
Jolems products shop Managed by Jolems Investment Limited located in Kampala Uganda is a company limited by shares. Proudly Ugandan, Centrally Jolems was established to acquire, manage office, trading stations, factories, shops and depots among which include production of oral and food products.

Unique Team
Jolems has a dedicated team of experts working around the clock to make sure that our customers get the best services and products..

Since our startup in 2019, Jolems Investment Limited has been in the frontline to provide Products that bring comfort,joy and simplicity in life. It is this dedication that has made us serve a wide range of clients and industries.

Company Information
Contact Name:
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: +256200908190
Contact Fax:
Since :
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Address1: Justine Arcade Kikuubo Shop No. L25