Advert For National Consultancy For Baseline Survey tendering at Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V
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Project: the Maternal and Mental Health Access and Psychosocial and Livelihood Support to improve Social well-being (MAMA PLUS)

JUNE 2024

Organization description
Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. (Johanniter International Assistance) is a German non-governmental organisation, dedicated to excellence in the field of first aid, ambulance service, social service programmes and other projects in the medical and social field. The Federal Headquarters are based in Berlin, Germany. Johanniter International Assistance is the department for development co-operation and emergency aid, implementing and supporting projects worldwide. our aim is to ensure the survival of people affected by disasters and to strengthen and secure the health, resilience and livelihoods of communities in the regions where we work. We develop our international programmes together with local communities in a culturally and gender-sensitive way, based on the community’s needs. We recognize the importance of addressing climate change challenges and gender equality, and include them as core topics in all programmes.

Johanniter has been present in Uganda since 2017 working with national partners and implements projects in the areas of health, nutrition, food security and livelihoods and WASH in Adjumani, Palorinya, Rhino Camp and Palabek settlements in the refugees’ hosting districts of Adjumani, Obongi, Madi Okolo and Lamwo respectively.

TPO Uganda is a Non-Governmental Organization that started its work in Uganda as Institute for Psychosocial and social ecological Research (I.P.S.E.R) in 1994 with a study commissioned by UNHCR on the mental health and psychosocial issues affecting South Sudanese. Upon identification of significant MHPSS issues and needs, UNHCR supported TPO to implement the study recommendations. This gave birth to the TPO programs in Uganda. Later, TPO expanded its MHPSS programming in other countries including Somalia, South Sudan, Congo and Liberia. Over the years, TPO gradually moved its interventions to underserved national communities that were also in need of support. Over the years, TPO Uganda’s programme has expanded to cover mental health and psychosocial support, social protection interventions, child and adolescent focused programs as well as economic empowerment programs for women and vulnerable households.

TPO Uganda is currently present in 45 districts of Uganda, spread across seven sub-regions of Acholi, Lango, Teso, Karamoja sub-region, South West, West Nile and Central Uganda.

Programme Background
Johanniter-Unfall Hilfe (Johanniter International Assistance - Johanniter) implements projects in 4 settlements in Uganda namely Adjumani, Palabek, Palorinya and Rhino Camp with the partners, Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD) and Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD)-Uganda. In partnership with CEFORD, Johanniter has been supporting nutrition activities, MHPSS including gender-based violence identification and referrals in three zones in Rhino Camp. In addition, Johanniter has established a complementary field office in Arua, the nearest city to Rhino Camp settlement.

Johanniter has entered into partnership with The Transcultural Psychosocial Organization (TPO), a national organization with over 30 years’ experience in providing holistic services to families and communities affected by conflict, HIV and AIDS, poverty and natural disasters around the thematic areas of mental health and psychosocial support; child care and protection; HIV/AIDS Care and Support, GBV prevention and mitigation, disaster risk reduction and livelihood support through integrated and community participative approaches that enable families and communities to regain their agency, get empowered and become self-reliant. TPO has presence in Rhino Camp and is the UNHCR’s community MHPSS implementing partner. Additionally, TPO Uganda is an active member of the inter-agency working committee, the MHPSS Working Group and the livelihood working group.

Johanniter and TPO Uganda will implement the Maternal and Mental Health Access and Psychosocial and Livelihood support to improve Social well- being (MAMA PLUS) project funded by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) to increase access to maternal and mental health and psychosocial support services and livelihood support to teenage and young mothers, women of reproductive age, women living with disabilities and other vulnerable women and female survivors of Gender Based Violence. The project will ensure that women access not only maternal and newborn services, but provide support their social-well-being through mental health and livelihood support that improve their coping mechanisms and address their daily stressors thus ensuring a healthy mother and a healthy baby.

Expected Project Result

Result 1.0: Increased access to and utilization of quality maternal-child health care services.

Result 2.0: Enhanced mental and psychosocial well-being of mothers.

Result 3.0: Improved project management

Purpose of the Baseline Survey.

The main purpose of the baseline is to examine the context in which the project will be implemented and establish baseline values on all project indicators accordingly. The assessment seeks to collect data (quantitatively and qualitatively) on the main elements of the project (access to and utilization of quality maternal-child health care services, mental and psychosocial support services and livelihood assistance) which will be analysed to inform baseline. The survey will collect data from the refugees and members of the host community as our target groups.

Scope/ area & population of the Baseline Survey

The baseline studies will cover 3 project results and 3 thematic areas namely; maternal-child health care, mental and psychosocial support and economic empowerment components. The geographic scope of the baseline surveys will be in Rhino Camp (Olujubo II and Ocea II Health Centres in Rhino Camp settlement). A purposive sampling technique will be used to target pregnant women and those attending antenatal care and women of reproductive age from the above targeted communities and health facilities. The baseline survey will help establish the baseline values of the indicators listed in the table below.

Expected results


Evaluation Question

R1: Increased access to and utilization of quality maternal-child health care services.

·      Proportion of mothers reporting improved overall well-being.

·      Percentage of mothers attending 8 antenatal care visits.

·      Reduction in perinatal mortality rate.

·      Percentage of skilled birth attendance.

·      Percentage of women who report that they received safe, accessible, accountable, participatory, and safe maternity and child health services.

What is the proportion of mothers attending 8 antenatal care visits?

What proportion of women received safe, accessible, accountable, participatory, and safe maternity and child health services?

IR. 2: Enhanced mental and psychosocial well-being of mothers.

·      Percentage of mothers who received mental health support and showed improvement in their psychological symptoms as per their post assessment scores.

·      Percentage of mothers reporting positive coping mechanisms.

·      Percentage of women reporting engagement in livelihood activities.

·      Number of mothers experiencing perinatal deaths supported with MHPSS

·      Number of staffs trained on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

·      Number of women supported on Problem (PM+).

·      Number of psychoeducation-Awareness sessions conducted.

·      Number of women receiving PFA.

·      Number of women trained on Livelihood.

·      Number of mothers supported with cash assistance.

·      Number of groups supported with cash assistance.

What proportion of mothers received mental health support and showed improvement in their psychological symptoms as per their post assessment scores?

What proportion of women are engaging in livelihood activities?

How many mothers have been supported with cash assistance?

IR. 3: Improved project management.

·      Number of leaders sensitized disaggregated by age and gender.

·      Number of awareness sessions on Safeguarding, PSEAH and the Code of conduct held.

·      Number of focus Groups Discussions held.

·      Number of dialogues conducted.

·      Number of quarterly review meetings held.

·      Number of community members disaggregated by age and gender attending community dialogues.

How many leaders have been sensitized on Safeguarding, PSEAH and the Code of conduct?


Methodology: The consultant will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. This may include document reviews, interviews with potential project participants and stakeholders, on-site inspections, and data analysis.

  1. Key Evaluation Questions: The consultant should address the following key questions:


DAC criteria

Evaluation questions



1.        To what extent is the project's objectives aligned with the maternal-child health care, mental and psychosocial support and livelihood needs of the of the vulnerable population in the refugee settlement and surrounding communities?

2.        How well has the project responded to the specific needs and priorities of the target group, considering cultural and contextual factors?



3.        How effective will the project be in achieving its intended outcomes related to improving?

4.        Are there any alternative cost-effective measures or approaches that can improve the efficiency of project implementation?



5.        How efficiently can the project resources, including time and budget, be utilized in delivering the planned activities?



6.        To what extent will the project outputs contribute directly to the achievement of outcomes if implemented as planned?

7.        What notable changes can occur in maternal-child health care services, mental and psychosocial support services and livelihood assistance of the target population as a result of the project?

8.        How can the project contribute to broader social, economic, or environmental impacts in the project area?



9.        To what extent are the project outcomes likely to be sustained after the project's conclusion?

10.     What local capacities can be enhanced to ensure the continued positive impact of project interventions beyond its duration?

11.     What factors can contribute to or hinder the sustainability of project outcomes?



12.     How can the project coordinate with local authorities, community leaders, and partner organizations to ensure a coherent and collaborative approach?

13.     Are there any conflicting interventions or duplications of efforts within the project area by other organizations?

Evaluation Outputs/Deliverables

The consultant is expected to produce and submit the following deliverables:

  • An inception report detailing a study methodology, implementation plan and data collection tools approved to be approved by Johanniter International Assistance: to be submitted one week upon signing the contract.
  • Refined evaluation questions: Upon review of the available documents and an initial discussion, the evaluator will develop a detailed analytical framework of questions and sub-questions, based on the evaluation questions defined in this ToR, and consistent with Results-Based monitoring framework.
  • A draft baseline project evaluation report for review by Johanniter International Assistance Staff.
  • A final baseline project evaluation report to be approved by Johanniter International Assistance: incorporating feedback and recommendations. The main evaluation report should be concise and not exceed 30 pages, excluding annexes (supporting data and details can be included in annexes).
  • A clean data set and transcriptions shared by the consultant
  • A Power-Point presentation with the preliminary findings and recommendations to be presented to Johanniter and key stakeholder group.
  • Final report printed on art paper with high resolution photos and quality design (hard copy)

Composition of the evaluation team

The consulting firm/team should identify the team leader, and the other key team members. The Team Leader shall provide CVs and a description of each team members’ roles and responsibilities and their corresponding qualifications, such as highest level of education attained, discipline of study, the number of years of relevant experience, language and skills, etc. A team leader with multi discipline background, expertise and skills shall be an added advantage.

Reporting and Supervisory Arrangement

The consulting team will be directly supervised by the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager from Johanniter International Assistance and TPO Uganda. The Monitoring and Evaluation Managers will also furnish the Consultant(s) with all the information required to undertake and complete the assignment.

Required competences and experience
The ideal consultant or consulting firm must consist of a Team / Lead consultant who:

  • The consulting team / lead consultant must have at least five years’ experience in qualitative and quantitative research/evaluation.
  • The consulting team must have experience in Maternal health, SRHR, Mental health, GBV, Women protection interventions, child rights and community engagement and planning experience.
  • Have excellent knowledge in qualitative and quantitative data analysis using Microsoft Excel, Minitab, SPSS, CSPRO, STATA and other statistical software.
  • Experience in mobile data collection and conversant with mobile data collection such as, Survey ODK, Kobo collect, etc.
  • Fluency in English (spoken and written).
  • Ability to produce high quality work (info-graphics) and reports under tight timeframes.
  • Ability to work with children and least educated people.
  • Ability to produce well-written reports, in a plain text, demonstrating excellent analytical and communication skills.

Submission of proposal:
Interested Consultants can submit a letter of expression of interest, together with a technical proposal to undertake the evaluation. The technical proposal MUST include the consultant’s understanding of the assignment, CVs of technical staff to undertake the assignment and a detail evaluation cost.

Time frame for the Assignment

The evaluation will be carried out between 1st July to 7th August 2024, with a final report submission done by 10th August 2024The schedule is as follows

Est. # of Days


5 days

This must define the scope of the work with a proposed work plan and evaluation questionnaires/tools to be submitted 5 days following the official commencement of the evaluation. The inception report will provide Johanniter Team TPO, and other key stakeholders the opportunity to ascertain that the evaluator(s) share the same understanding about the evaluation objectives. The inception report should detail the evaluators’ understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods; proposed sources of data; and data collection tools and procedures. The inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables, designating a team member with the lead responsibility for each task or product. Before accepted to become the guide for the evaluation, the inception report must be discussed and agreed with the Johanniter Team Member.

3 days

Inception Report Presentation and feedback amendment: The consultant will conduct a presentation of the inception report and utilize two days to amend the corrections given the feedback from the team

2 days

Fieldwork Preparation: Recruitment, training and deployment of research assistants testing of tools and final validation

5 days

Data collection: Briefing, deployment of enumerators, data collection and post field work debriefing

5 days

Data Analysis: Lead Consultant and team analyse collected data and if need be allowed for review, questioning and field follow up and cross validation of collected data before writing draft report.

4 days

Draft report: The evaluator(s) must submit draft report for review and comments by all parties involved after analysis of the field data. The draft evaluation report to ensure that the evaluation meets the required quality criteria.

1 day

Presentation of the preliminary findings to Johanniter and TPO

3 days

Final Report: This will be submitted within 3 days after receiving comments from Johanniter Team. The content and structure of the final analytical report with findings, recommendations and lessons learnt covering the scope of the evaluation should meet the

agreed requirements, and must include the following:

·         Executive summary (1-2 pages),

·         Introduction (1 page),

·         Description of the evaluation methodology (6 pages),

·         Situational analysis with regard to the outcome, outputs, and partnership strategy (6-7 pages),

·         Analysis of opportunities to provide guidance for

future programming (3-4 pages),

·         Key findings, including best practices and lessons

learned (4-5 pages),

·         Conclusions and recommendations (4-5 pages).

Appendices: Charts, terms of reference, field visits, people interviewed, documents reviewed

28 days

Total estimated time for deliverables.


Application and selection process:
The proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria hence interested candidates should submit the following:

Step 1.    Administrative Evaluation

  • The Ugandan legal Company Registration documents for consultancy firms (Registration Certificates, Memorandum and Articles of Association, clearly showing the company shareholders, valid trading license)
  • Profile of the consultancy firm if not an individual.
  • Tax registration and clearance certificates including exemption certificates where applicable.
  • Technical proposal
  • Financial proposal
  • At least Three (3) traceable contactable references in evaluation of Maternal and Child Health, MHPSS, Gender, Livelihood projects in Humanitarian settings in the last five (5) years.
  • Certified Bank Statement for at least the last six months and Audited Accounts for the past 12 months. (for companies)
  • Banking details.
  • Duly signed and stamped copy of the declaration of suppliers.
  • Duly signed and stamped copy of TOR.

Phase 1. Technical Evaluation Stage (20%) 

  • Proposed personnel for the assignment.

Lead Consultant(s)/ Team of Consultants have qualifications (PhD or Master’s degree) aligned to thematic sectors of the project or any relevant qualification (Health, MHPSS, Gender studies, Community Development, or developmental studies, Social Sciences) or any other relevant academic qualification.  (Service providers should provide Team / Lead consultant(s’) Academic Certificates) = 5%.

  • Demonstrated / similar experience in the last 5 years with INGOs, International Organisations, Governments or the UN Humanitarian Response and development work in Uganda Context. (Service Providers should dully signed contracts for previous consultancy works conducted.) = 5%.
  • Samples of previous works demonstrating expertise in designing and writing documents for publication. Where the publications cannot be shared service providers can share a list of the samples. For those that can, will share the actual samples of the works with a contact person. = 5%.
  • Consultant Teams have demonstrated ability to complete the assignment. (Please attach authentic completion certificates in the most recent five (5) years in similar practical work experience. (Service Providers should attach authentic completion certificates for previous works done) = 5%

Ranking Scale;
Phase 2. Technical Evaluation Stage (Interview) (50%). 

  • Appropriate methodology - Candidates should clearly outline the technical approach to achieve the assignment and mitigate project risks (qualitative and/or quantitative approaches) = 25%.
  • Demonstrated clarity and understanding of the assignment/interpretation of the ToR = 25%

Phase 3. Financial Evaluation (30%).
Based on the details in the TOR, the consultant will develop a detailed itemized financial proposal aligned with the proposed work plan. All prices must be quoted in Uganda Shillings (UGX). The validity period for the financial proposal should be indicated, and consultants' professional fees and logistics costs should be quoted in separate lines and not as a lump sum. The overall consultancy fees must include all relevant taxes. The format for the overall consultancy cost must be summarized as indicated below:



Item Description


Unit Price

Total Amount



Consultant's fees (including data enumerators’ costs) 



Transport cost



Subsistence costs (including accommodation, communication, meals, etc.)



Any other costs that are critical but not provided for by Johanniter.









  • Bids that are above or below 20% of the budget value shall not be considered for financial evaluation.

Payment for the service
Payment will be made as follows;

40% Payment upon submission of Inception Report
30% Payment upon submission of Draft Report
30% payment upon validation and approval of Final Report

In the event that the consultant does not meet the agreed deadlines (without advance agreement from Johanniter), after a two weeks’ grace period is offered, the second payment will be reduced by 0.5% for each week the submission is delayed. 

Please send your email applications to:

Interested applicants are requested to apply by 26TH June 2024.

For inquiries and clarifications, please email: and copy

Johanniter reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to cancel the procurement process at any stage. The selected consultant(s) or firm will be expected to adhere to Johanniter's ethical standards and guidelines, and Johanniter’s safeguarding policy throughout the duration of the consultancy.

Intellectual property and data protection:
All draft and final outputs, including supporting documents, analytical reports and raw data should be provided in electronic version compatible with WORD for windows. Ownership of the data from the evaluation rests jointly with Johanniter and TPO. The copyright and intellectual property generated by the consultancy will rest exclusively with Johanniter. Key stakeholders can make appropriate use of the evaluation report in line with the original purpose and with appropriate acknowledgement. The consulting agency will follow the data protection policy of Johanniter while collecting, processing and storing the program related data.

Safeguarding and Protection The consultant/Agency will be expected to sign a Johanniter safeguarding and protection policy ensuring adherence to high standards of safeguarding protection of its staff, enumerators and people we work with during the course of this exercise.

For detailed Tender Dossier please Click here to view.

Job Info
Job Category: Consultant/ Contractual jobs in Uganda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 26 June 2024
Duty Station: Uganda
Posted: 19-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 19-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 19-06-2068
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