Vacancy title:
Consultant Services for the Development of a Manual on the Rights and Obligations of Health Workers
Jobs at:
PalladiumDeadline of this Job:
30 August 2021
Date Posted: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 , Base Salary: Not Disclosed
Scope of Work
Consultancy Services for Development of a Manual on the Rights and Obligations of Health Workers in Uganda
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health workers as those individuals with health and non-health vocational education and training in the health service industry to protect and improve the health of their communities (WHO, 2009). The World Health Organization further asserts that better health leads to development as a healthy population lives longer, is more productive and saves more.
In view of the afore mentioned, the government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health has put more emphasis on strengthening the capacity of health workers through, among others; training of more health professionals, improved staffing levels and wage enhancement.
Despite the above progress, the health workers still present significant challenges to the health sector, such as widespread absenteeism, late coming, rudeness to clients, long waiting times and generally low productivity and responsiveness towards service delivery.
The Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Health with support from a number of Health Development Partners, has made significant steps towards improving accountability among the health work force by empowering citizens to demand for their rights in obtaining quality and patient-centered health services. The last two Health Sector Development Plans (HSDPs) have put attention to promotion of patients’ rights which has culminated in the development of patient centered approaches and strategies which include: development of the Client and Patient Charter, regular client satisfaction surveys, reduction of patient average waiting time, monitoring of health worker productivity, periodic review of health worker responsiveness, training health workers in customer care and Public Relations, and introduction of electronic clocking-in and out.
Whereas the above measures have had some positive impact, health workers on the other hand feel left out, their rights and obligations have not been addressed. Health workers face challenges such as inadequate induction (on-boarding); harassment by superiors, some patients and the community; inadequate housing/accommodation; lack of basic tools and protective wear; understaffing and subsequent work overload; limited training opportunities; and inadequate remuneration have all contributed to the low motivation and productivity of the health workforce.
In Uganda, there as some documented rights of health worker, but these rights and obligations are also scattered in several guidelines such as the MoH Occupation Safety and Health Guidelines, MoH Guidelines on Sexual Harassment, which make co-ordination of their implementation cumbersome.
As the health sector and partners seek to roll out the client and patient charter, there is also a need to roll out the health workers rights and obligations. This requires the MoH to have a consolidated manual spelling out the health workers rights and obligations.
Consultancy Objective:
The main objective of the consultancy is to produce a manual, consolidating the key national and international legislations assented to by Uganda on health worker rights and obligations.
Key tasks of the assignment:
• Develop inception report with a clear roadmap for execution of the consultancy for adoption and eventual implementation.
• Hold meetings with MoH to discuss the assignment and approach with the Standards Compliance Accreditation and Patient Protection (SCAPP) Department team.
• Engage with MOH to develop a list of key stakeholders and agree with MoH on a schedule and methodology for conducting the consultancy
• Review available literature to identify the relevant materials on health workers rights, strategies, and challenges in their implementation/enforcement.
• Draft the manual for health workers rights and obligations.
• Coordinate with relevant technical working groups (TWGs) and key national implementing partners such as the professional councils for feedback
• Coordinate with Regional Referral Hospitals (six), and selected district and lower-level facilities to generate feedback from health workers from all categories for feedback.
• Present the feedback to MoH and make changes to the manual as recommended by MoH.
• Develop a final manual and present the MoH approved version to the USAID Uganda Health Systems Strengthening Activity for printing and dissemination.
Key Deliverables:
The consultant will be expected to produce the following deliverables, approved by MoH:
• An Inception Report on the assignment inclusive of the data collection tools, roadmap and detailed timeline.
• Brief situation analysis report.
• Draft manual submitted for eventual presentation for the relevant approvals at the Ministry of Health.
• A report on national, regional and district consultations.
• Final Manual for Health workers rights and obligations approved by the Ministry of Health.
Key deliverables and Timelines and payment schedules
The assignment shall be conducted over a period of 40 working days
Desired Qualifications of the Consultant
• Advanced University degree in either Public Health, Human Resources for Health, Health Systems Strengthening, Health Economics, Human Health Law and Bioethics, Social Sciences, Human Rights, Social Work and Social Administration or other relevant qualifications
• Knowledge of the Uganda Health System and process of development of Guidelines, Strategies and Policies for the Health Sector.
• Technical knowledge of governance, leadership, and the management of the health sector in Uganda.
• Knowledge of the key stakeholders relevant for this activity and ability to convene meetings for purposes of obtaining comments and feedback from all the key stakeholders.
• Excellent writing, formatting, and editing skills and ability to quickly address technical and editorial comments made by stakeholders.
• Experience in carrying out similar assignments with Ministries of Health will be an added advantage.
The Consultant shall report directly to the UHSS Chief of Party with support from the Leadership, Governance and Accountability and Human Resources for Health team leads. At the Ministry, the Consultant will work closely with the Directorate of Governance & Regulation. Weekly and monthly check-in meetings will be held to keep track of the progress.
Submission guidelines:
All interested parties are required to submit their expressions of interest highlighting their experience in conducting policy development and reviews, workplans, qualifications, names, and contacts of three referees and daily rates in United States dollars.
Payment for consultancy:
All payments for this consultancy will be made in local Ugandan Shillings (UGX). All payments will be subject to withholding tax as per Republic of Uganda’s taxation policies. For the payment schedule, please refer to the Table above.
Job Experience: No Requirements
Work Hours: 8
Level of Education: Bachelor Degree
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Job application procedure
All interested parties are required to submit their applications including both technical and financial proposals plus a copy of the Curriculum vitae highlighting their qualifications, names/ contacts of three referees, experience in conducting similar analysis. Palladium plans to issue a fixed price consultant agreement for this assignment. The applications should be emailed to not later than 17:00 hours EST on Tuesday August 30, 2021.
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